Are you looking to make any major changes or renovations to your residence? In which case, a UK building costs calculator will be useful and a planning permission may be necessary. What should you know when getting this permission? This beginner’s guide will guide you through the process.

1. Understand that not all construction ventures require planning permission

If you have rights for permitted development (PD), it means that you can carry out some types of construction without seeking planning permission. Most houses have rights for permitted development. However, maisonettes and flats do not have property development rights. As such, building and renovation cannot be done in these types of houses without planning permission. People who live in national parks, conservation areas or any other locations that are blessed with abundant natural beauty and those who live in listed buildings have limited permitted development rights.

Before starting a building project on your house, you can consult the professionals in the local planning authority in order to get construction advice. Local planning experts can help you understand whether it will be necessary to get permission in order to carry out the renovations or construction you have in mind.

2. The Planning Authority in the locality can offer useful advice before applying for permission

If the construction to be done is not covered by permitted development, it is necessary to submit a planning application. Prior to submitting this application, it is best to consult a local planning expert on the application to be submitted. This is the best way to know if the application has any chance of getting approved. Though the advice given at this stage is not binding on the future of your application, you can get to understand what amendments you can make to improve the chances of approval.

3. There are varying types of planning permission available

You should understand that the planning permission to be sought depends on the project being carried out. For example, a person looking to extend a residential unit is required to apply for Householder Planning Permission. An individual seeking to extend a listed building on the other hand needs to apply for a Listed Building Consent. After understanding the type of permission required before work commences, you can apply for the requisite permission online through the Planning Portal for your local authority. Alternatively, you can apply for permission through the post by downloading the requisite forms from the website of your local planning authority.

4. When applying for Planning Permission, you need to submit building plans

For most applications, one is usually required to attach two plans which act as supporting documents. They include a site plan and a location plan. A location plan maps out the site of the proposed construction and surrounding areas while a site plan usually discusses the proposed construction venture in more detail.

Apart from providing supporting documentation, there is an application fee that is usually charged. This fee is usually dependent on the type of development that is to be done. In England for example, you are usually required to pay £172 when submitting an application for Householder Planning Permission.

5. Getting an approval takes some time

After an application has been submitted, the local planning authority usually peruses all the information to ascertain that all the pertinent documents are in place. If there is any information that is missing, the applicant is usually notified.

Straight forward planning applications can be decided by the time eight weeks are over. Applications that are more complex however can be decided in up to thirteen weeks. In the period that the local authority is deciding, individuals who feel that the proposed development will affect them usually have a chance to voice their reservations. You can view the responses given by interested parties by contacting the planning authority.

6. Top considerations made by your local planning authority

When deciding whether to approve an application, the local planning department usually takes into account different ‘material considerations.’

They include the loss of light to surrounding areas, the safety of the highway or road, traffic, loss of privacy to others and noise.

When making a decision, the planning authority also takes into account the views and complaints of neighbouring property owners. However, the loss of a view or the lowering of value in surrounding properties due to a proposed development have no weight when it comes to planning.

7. You may be given conditions on being given planning permission

If you are given planning permission rights, you should check to see if there any conditions that have been attached to the approval. For example, the local planning authority may require you to seek approval for some parts of the development such as materials and supplies to be used before work can commence. If any conditions are attached, the authority has to give reasons for them.

8. If an application for planning permission is rejected, you can always appeal

If your application is thrown out or it is approved with conditions and terms that make you unhappy, you can speak to the local planning authority. In most cases, you can resubmit an amended application often at no extra expense. If you are not happy with the decision made by the local authority, amend your application and resubmit it through the Planning Portal platform of your local authority.